Ways to Help
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This scholarship fund was created in memory of Bailey R. Moore, a local Warsaw teenager who lost her battle with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). To help further carry out Bailey’s wishes to pay it forward and help her school, the scholarship fund will be award to a graduating Warsaw Community High School senior. It is our hope that the memory of Bailey will help another realize their dream of going to college.
Donate Online:
Help us realize our goal of providing a scholarship fund to a Warsaw Community High School Senior!
The Bailey R. Moore Foundation is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. No goods or services were provided for this gift. Please consult your tax advisor regarding specific questions about your deductions.
Reasons to Give
At 14, Bailey understood the need to give back to a community who had so graciously cared for her while she was ill. It is our mission to see her dreams of giving back become a reality.
Reasons to Support the Foundation:
- Helping fulfill a young girls wish of giving back to her community.
- Providing other students in your community with a chance to further their education and better themselves.
- To perpetuate her beliefs that we should all Be More, Be all we can,
- Be the best, Be kind and generous, live each day to the fullest!
YOU hold the ability to pay it forward and support a local initiative.
To bring awareness to the Foundation, we will be participating in events throughout the year. Check back for more information and upcoming volunteer opportunities.
Become a Sponsor
If you are interesting in becoming a sponsor of the Bailey R. Moore Foundation please contact:
Julia Moore
C: 574-527-1096
E: Click here to send an Email